Sweet opportunity: U.S. schools eligible for grants to start beekeeping

Have you heard the buzz?

Don’t be afraid of bees. Keep them.

And now, kids and their teachers can “bee the change” with honey bee school grants to set up beekeeper systems.

“I’m looking for people who know teachers, principals or parents in the USA who might be interested in getting a honey bee hive at their school or non-profit organization centered around programming for kids,” says Scott Offord of Beepods.

Honey bee colony at work. Beepods/Facebook

It’s a honey of a project.

The Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based beekeeping business now has access to $1,500 school grants for 2018, which will help schools start a sustainable beekeeping project on campus.

Which is pretty sweet at a time when the future of honey bees — and our food supply — is up in the air.

Beekeeping systems are all the buzz. Beepods/Facebook

Fly the idea by your class.

To qualify your elementary or secondary school must have at least 10 students, your principal has to be onboard, you need to designate a “bee advocate,” and the honey bee hive must be an educational tool.

Here’s a beekeeping kit at one high school. Beepods/Facebook

“Time is critical though, so it’s important to start the process right away because the funding opportunities are coming to a close soon in 2017,” Offord says.

Be a beekeeper like the kids at this high school. Beepods/Facebook

Photos Beepods/Facebook

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Recovering newspaper reporter.

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