Matador fatally gored on live television in first bullfighter death since 1985

Matador Victor Barrio, an award-winning bullfighter, was gored to death on live television in Spain earlier Sunday as hundreds of spectators in the stadium looked on.

Millions more saw the fatal incident on live television and since on video. Barrio’s wife was in the stands of the stadium and saw the goring which killed her husband. She responded on Twitter.

Barrio, 29, went down after he was gored in the thigh by the 530-kilogram bull and his body was flipped over. The bull then gored Barrio a second time. That piercing went into the matador’s lung and his aorta.

Medics were at his side almost immediately, but attempts to save his life were unsuccessful.

The goring of Barrio was broadcast live on television and news of his death stirred widespread reaction ranging from the bullfighting community to politicians.

“My condolences to the family and colleagues of Victor Barrio, the deceased bullfighter this evening in Teruel. Rest in Peace,” Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted.

Others on twitter called Barrio a great matador but most of the reaction on social media has been calls to end bullfighting.

Barrio was the first professional matador to die during a bullfight in Spain since 21-year-old Frenchman Jose Cubero Yiyo was fatally gored in 1985 in Madrid. The famous Francisco Rivera, known as Paco, who was perhaps the most famous matador at the time was killed in 1984.

Two bandilleros, who plant little flags with barbed points in the top of the bull’s shoulders, were killed in the ring in 1992.

The bullfight was suspended after the incident, which was broadcast live on Spanish television.

The video link is below but a word of caution: this was live and some people may find it disturbing.

About the author

Peg Fong is also in recovery from newspapers

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