Horrible human kicks at dog wearing marriage equality bandana in Australia

Mack was minding his own business.

He was just running around an off-leash park in Melbourne while wearing a scarf that was pro-same-sex marriage, which in Australia is the subject of national survey, and in truth, is the subject of other people’s business.

Every Australian voter is receiving a letter asking them, “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?”

On Nov. 15, we’ll know how Australians feel about the issue, which has long been settled in many parts of the world.

But it’s clear at least one guy will be voting against the proposition.

The idiot who tried to kick Mack for his owner’s choice of fashion.

“So some mouth-breathing cretin in the park tried to kick my dog while shouting homophobic slurs,” Sutherland tweeted. “Australia you have truly shat the bed.”

Outrage — and horror — was instant.

So, Sutherland wrote about what happened in the Herald-Sun under the headline, Who knew a dog could be a victim of homophobia.

“I’ve written about my dog unwittingly entering the SSM debate. Thanks for all the well wishes – he’s AOK!”


Do go and read her column.

Here are some of the things she had to say.

“Mack was running around the oval and approached a man walking alone. He didn’t rush him or jump on him, but to my dog sitter’s absolute astonishment, the man did what thankfully turned out to be a fresh air kick at Mack.

He then turned to our dog sitter, abusing her with homophobic slurs. He called her a “perverted f***king poofter”, a degenerate and dangerous, while referencing the same-sex marriage survey.

…. Like Pollyanna, I honestly thought we could have a respectful debate on this issue — perhaps because I am straight, and have never been the subject of prejudice or abuse — but I’ve never been more convinced I was wrong about that.

After all, if we can’t agree that dogs shouldn’t be the subject of abuse for their owners’ beliefs then what hope is there?”

Photo Claire Sutherland/Twitter

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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