Caught on camera: a snake regurgitates up a snake in Australia

Amanda Jongedyk first thought when she saw a big snake in her house in Australia was that the snake looked really well-fed.

She initially thought the snake had snagged one of the chickens–or chooks as they’re called in Australia–from around the property.

Jongedyk lives by the picturesque Parry’s Lagoons Nature Reserve on a resort name Parry Creek Farm Tourism Resort.

The resort and caravan park sits on on 120 acres of free hold land.

This beauty was at our house this morning. We relocate these big guys so they don’t eat our chooks. We saw he’d had a good feed of something (yes we counted the chooks it wasn’t one of them) and safely bagged him.”

Jongedyk said the python was relocated because the safety of the python was a priority given that the resort is also a caravan park.

Chooks, what Australians call chickens, were the initial cause for the python’s wide girth, Jongedyk thought.

Once he was out of the bag he started to regurgitate, that’s when we saw the tail! Thinking it was a black whip snake – WOW were we wrong! It all happened very quick and he was off again safe and sound. Sadly he lost his lunch but we hope he grabs something else and the birds get his left overs.

The remarkable photos of the whole regurgitation were taken by Jongedyk.

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My name is Orman and I’m a Dribbbling, Tweeting Web Designer based in the UK. I spend most of my time designing WordPress Themes and other goodies for designers at

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